Knight Essay Scholarship Contest
The Sacramento Chapter is proud to support the SAR Knight Essay Contest. This contest, established in 1988, was originally named in
honor of SAR Compatriot Calvin Coolidge who won an SAR essay contest while a student at Amherst College. Its name was changed
to the George S. and Stella Knight Essay Contest in 1995.
The purpose of the contest is to encourage patriotism in young people.
The contest is open to all high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors.
The Sacramento Chapter awards a scholarship each year to a high school student in a local high school. The winning essays from the
Sacramento Chapter and other California Chapters are forwarded to the California State Society, where they again compete. The essay judged best by the California
State Society receives a cash award and is forwarded to the National Knight Essay Contest Committee, where the final selection is made. Each participant
in the national contest receives a certificate awarded by NSSAR. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners receive cash awards.
The Knight Essay Scholarship contest is a National program. For more information, contact our
program chairman or see the National Society's Knight Essay Contest webpage.